
 Highly passionate about information technology but even more about computer security. I am the one requesting encryption on the chat, the one who brings the ethernet cable to a wi-fight, the one using 1GB key size instead of 4096 bits. I am a security researcher which suffers from severe paranoia and OCD (Obsessive Computational Disorder), combined with a highly humorous and spontaneous personality .

 Technically speaking, my technical capabilities encompass:

  • Pentesting
  • Computer Forensics
  • Programming
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Cryptography
  • Network/Host Security

Time is far too valuable to be wasted so i will start by answering three essential questions:

What is this blog about?

  • Sharing lessons learned and content that i find relevant for the aficionados out there
  • Sharing knowledge about topics related to Information Security

What is this blog not about? 

  • News and trendy topics
  • Opinions (unless necessary and in context with the posts)

What is the best way to keep track of new content?

Follow me on Linkedin and/or Twitter. Every post will be accompanied by two posts on the aforementioned Social Networks. I choose the callback approach over polling :).

Other interests:

Huge fan of calisthenics, nutrition and fitness in general. Used to do Tae-Kwon-Do and kick-boxing.  I am also an avid reader of non-technical books (e.g. psychology).


Why Security Over Simplicity?

 Because either for good or bad, typically, security and simplicity compromise each other, even though security is (for me) a necessary evil.

You can find me on Linkedin, GitHub and Twitter.

Stay safe 😉

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